Applying maintenance to IBM WebSphere Message Broker

Before we apply service to any component, check that we have backed up any associated resources, including the database used by any brokers on this computer. we might also choose to back up installation and work path directories.

Concern : we can download maintenance updates for WebSphere Message Broker from a Web site, in the form of a Program Temporary Fix (PTF), also known as a fix pack. Fix packs are cumulative, therefore, if multiple fix packs are available, we do not have to install a previous fix pack before we install the latest available. However, first install the GA code to ensure that you comply with license agreement.

choosing how to apply service:

Method-1: Apply service to an existing installation.

When you apply the fix pack, the new level of the product overwrites the existing level. You must stop all components before you apply service. All the components and resources that you have defined are retained. When the fix pack is successfully installed, restart the components.

Method-2: Install the fix pack level of the product at a new location.

Fix packs are supplied as complete installations. You can install the product in a new location on your computer by using the fix pack packages. You can do this only within the terms of your license:
  • You must have installed a GA level of the product on this computer.
  • You must conform to the any license restrictions for the number of installations on a single computer; your license might permit you to install more than one copy of the product, but allow you to run only one installation at a time.

This option provides several advantages:
  • You do not have to stop components to complete the installation.
  • You can choose which component runs at which service level by running the appropriate mqsiprofile before you start the component.
  • You can back out a component to the previous service level by using the mqsiprofile from the older code level and restarting the component.

Installing/Applying service on Linux and UNIX

1. On AIX, you must log in as root. On Linux and on other UNIX computers, your user ID must have root authority to complete installation.

2. Stop all components that are running on this computer by using the mqsistop command. Ensure that you do not have any WebSphere Message Broker files open.

3. Change to the directory where you downloaded the fix pack file. The file name is in the form V.R.M-prod-platform-fixpack.tar.z, where V.R.M-prod represents the version, release, and modification level of the product, -platform identifies the platform, and -fixpack identifies the fix pack.

4. Uncompress the .z file
uncompress -fv V.R.M-prod-platform-fixpack.tar.z

5. Untar the image and extract all the directories, subdirectories, and files required to apply the update.
tar -xvf V.R.M-prod-platform-fixpack.tar

6. Decide which interface you want to use for the installation; -graphical (the default option if none is specified), -console, or -silent.

To start the installation wizard in graphical mode, type the installer name with no options at a command prompt, and press Enter. When you invoke the installation wizard, it guides you through a series of panels where you can make choices about where to install the components, and which components you want to install.

To start the installation wizard in console mode, enter installer -console. When you invoke the installation wizard, it prompts you to enter input for all options, including where to install the components, and which components you want to install.

To use the installation wizard silent interface, enter installer -silent.To start the installation wizard in silent mode, enter installer -silent. If you want to specify non-default settings, include a response file on the invocation.

7. When installation has successfully completed, review the release notes that are supplied in the directory readmes, and complete any manual post-installation tasks that are required.
Tip: If you have defined ODBC connections for brokers on this computer, check the sample odbc.ini files and make any required changes before you restart your brokers.

8. restart the components by using the mqsistart command

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  1. Hello,
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